Ramadan bullet journal – FREE printable

Ramadan activity free printable journal planner family kids

NOW UPDATED WITH 5 NEW PAGES! (links below or click on images)

Over the last few years, millions of people have used and benefitted from – or, at the very least, heard about – the bullet journal method (a useful introduction to what the method is here). It is so popular because it can be really helpful: A hybrid between a planner and a journal that is completely customisable. It is a simple, inexpensive tool to track your to-dos, organise your thoughts, set your goals and work towards them, track your habits and, in general, keep every thought that is worth keeping, so that you can find it again.

Muslim journal Islamic bujo Ramadan kids printable

Why a Ramadan Bujo?

The thing about Ramadan is that it is one month of the year. A month that, for the believer, bears rewards like no other. A month that must be used well; a source of mercy that we must squeeze to the last drop. Sometimes, and for some people, the feeling of anticipation that accompanies it can be tinged with anxiety: Will I live up to the standards I hold?

Some of the concepts and techniques of the Bullet Journal Method can be easily applied to the goals of a Muslim in this blessed month, for spiritual productivity, reflection and self care: Know what you want from this time, be conscious of how you spend it and be grateful for every act of worship that you carry out, however small.

A Ramadan Bullet Journal can definitely help with that, in sha’ Allah.

Islamic resources Ramadan Muslimsh journal planner

Who is this for?

Anyone who can write can benefit from this simple resource at his or her level. I will be using it and I will make copies for my children. My older two (aged 13 and 10) will probably write or doodle in it and use the trackers, especially as a distraction if they get tired or hungry during the day. My 5 year old will want her own copy, not to feel left out, and I expect she will just doodle in it or try write a few words.

Different people will find some of the pages I offer more useful or more appealing than others. Print or copy what applies to you.

Several of the pages can be used in different ways: An 8 year old might not have lots of appointment and deadlines to keep track of in the calendar, but she can use it to write a memory or highlight for each day (more on this below).

How to use it

If you already are a lover of bullet journaling and you enjoy spending some time with your stationery (*rubs hands*), you might prefer to use these pages as inspiration and copy them out onto your notebook.

If that is not your cup of tea or, like me, you need multiple copies and don’t have the time (or patience!) to create them all by hand, print them out and either stick them on the pages of a notebook, bind them into their own booklet or punch them and add them to a binder or to your existing planner.

Please note that, if you plan to use the daily planner/journaling page (the very last of the file) you will need to print out 30 copies of it, one for each day. The same applies to the Qur’an Mind Map: they are note taking pages and you might need to print out more as you go.

What pages are included?

The 1442 Ramadan Bullet Journal comes in two different accent colours (both easy on your printer!): Gold and Blue. Each of them has two cover designs to choose from (I simply couldn’t settle on one). Each of the two colour versions includes the same pages:

  • Monthly grid (a hijri/gregorian calendar): Appointments/deadlines, or daily highlights, or daily memory, or lesson tracking, or daily doodles, or shorthand journaling, or meal planning… side column could be used for a running to-do list or notes. Note: Hijri dates are left blank for you to fill in once the moon is sighted!
  • Monthly log: the horizontal version of a calendar, you can use it for any of the uses of the monthly grid.
  • Gratitude log
  • Fast tracker and Qur’an Tracker: colour in or mark the fasting hours for each day. (PLEASE NOTE THESE PAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED, AS THE SCHOLARS STATED IT IS NOT LEGISLATED TO TRACK ACTS OF WORSHIP. See below for new additions!)
  • NEW! “Fast Aid” Kit: A spread to help you pinpoint your struggles during the fast and reflect on what could help, with encouragement to find evidence from the authentic sources of Islam.
  • Sleep tracker: colour in or mark your sleeping hours for each day.
  • Mood tracker: colour code your mood and choose a prevalent one for the day.
  • Iftaar gallery: doodle (or record) your iftaar every day.
  • Small victories: Record something that you are happy to have accomplished each day.
  • NEW! Qur’an Words: Increase your Arabic vocabulary and linguistic knowledge – one word at a time! Choose a word from the Qur’an each day. You may add a note on the meaning or usage in the space provided.
  • NEW! Qur’an Quotes: Have you ever read an ayah that really touched your heart and thought “I must remember this one” but then you carried on reading and forgot to make a note of it? This is the page for you!
  • Qur’an Mind Map: Use these pages to write down tafseer or linguistic benefits. You can chose between 4 designs depending on how many section you want the page to be divided in (4 section in one page, down to 1 taking the whole page) and how much you want to write for each surah/ayah.
  • Ramadan goals: think about what is important that you achieve this Ramadan, reflect on the steps that will take you there in sha’Allah and record your progress.
  • NEW! Iftaar Notes: Make a note of your favourite iftaars, or those you would like to try, or the most memorable ones that your family will always associate with Ramadan 1442/2021! You could also use it as a collection to come up with your own recipes, to build healthy meals and even count calories or track macros.
  • NEW! Super Suhoor: This collection was inspired by a comment suggesting I create something with a healthy eating theme. Nutrition is more important than ever when we are fasting, so you can use this page to create ideas for your ideal suhoor, to note down new ideas and recipes or to make note on the beneficial properties of the various foods you want to include. It can be used to teach children the importance of heathy eating.
  • Ramadan daily page: inspired by the layout of popular bound planners such as Hobonichi and Stalogy, this page has a timed column on the left and space for notes, journaling or anything you want to write. Beside the date, you can also record the weather and the phase of the moon.

A reflection of your Ramadan efforts

You don’t need a bullet journal to be successful and make the best of Ramadan: Sincerity to Allah and hard work are all a believer needs. But, if used throughout (even if you skip a few days and have to play catch up a little!), a bullet journal can become a reflection of your efforts in Ramadan; it can collect your best moments and your struggles on the journey to become a better worshipper, in sha’ Allah; it can also act as a memory keeping tool, recording the development of our growing children as Muslims.

I ask Allah to let us reach Ramadan, to let us strive in it, sincerely seeking His pleasure and to shower us with His Mercy and Forgiveness!

FREE DOWNLOAD Ramadan Bullet Journal – GOLD (UPDATED)

FREE DOWNLOAD Ramadan Bullet Journal – BLUE (UPDATED)

If you download and use this printable, or if it inspires you to create your own Ramadan bujo, please share on instagram and tag @salamhomeschooling in sha’Allah!

Muslim planner ramadhan free printable islam


Islamic studies workbook three fundamental principles of Islam

Assalamo ‘alaykum and welcome.

“The Three Fundamental Principles” was written so that everybody could learn. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab wrote it in a very concise and easy way, so that everybody could access this vital knowledge: from students of Islamic knowledge, to uneducated peasants, from royalty to school children, and anyone in between. And, by the mercy of Allah, it did spread far and wide.

Yet, when I picked it up Explanation of the 3 Fundamental Principles of Islam (the beautiful, deep and compelling explanation by shaykh Uthaymeen, rahimahullah) eager to share it with my children, I found that I needed to do some preliminary work.

The explanation and, on top of that, the translation into English both add extra material and extra layers for our minds to process. In the case of my children – aged 12 and 9 – I find that, if I want to keep to a level that they can access easily and internalise, I have to break it down for them.

It really helps to isolate the main points, simplify the language when needed and reinforce certain connections. 

Like a penguin feeding her chick, sometimes you have to “digest” the knowledge before passing it on to them. This is exactly what I attempted to do.


FREE PDF dowload workbook for muslim children Islamic studies Aqeedah 3 principles

The workbook

I put together this workbook from the notes I took while re-reading Explanation of the 3 Fundamental Principles of Islam. I included the main points of the original treatise as well as most of those in the explanation, alhmadulillah. I simplified the language and tried to express difficult concepts in a child-friendly way. A student of knowledge checked my re-wording, alhamdulillah.

You will find in the index page the list of lessons I included as well as page numbers from the book  Explanation of the 3 Fundamental Principles of Islam, should you wish to refer to it.

Each page of the workbook includes:

  • A short, simple explanation (roughly half a page or less);
  • A few Arabic words taken from the original text (the matn) or from the explanation (all collected and translated in a glossary). 
  • An activity based on the lesson. Often an ayah mentioned by the shaykh in which to find evidence of the point made. 
three fundamental principles of Islam muslim study book free pdf muslim kids activity

Arabic words

The ideal approach with this book, and any book, is to be as close as possible to the original. In this case the original is the Arabic matn (which you can download at the bottom of this page).

I chose some Arabic key words for each lesson (and yes, some are repeated in more than once). Most are from the matn, some are from the explanation. Either way, they can be used for copywork and letter formation practice (a little space is given for this) as well as memorisation. Memorising these words and their meaning will provide useful “anchors” of meaning for those ambitious students (and mamas!) who will try to memorise the whole matn: A very desirable practice that is at the core of seeking knowledge, alhamdulillah.

Even for those who do not plan to memorise the original text, reading it as you go, along with the English translation is extremely important even to those with very limited Arabic: it will really improve your familiarity with sentence structure and basically teach your brain what Arabic looks and sounds like, even if you don’t understand most of the words, insha’Allah.

Do you need to buy the book?

Do you need to get hold of Explanation of the 3 Fundamental Principles of Islam to complete this workbook? Yes and no.

No, strictly speaking, you only need the matn: The original text of “The 3 Fundamental Principles” by shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab, which is available online as a free PDF both in Arabic and in English.

Yes, because you should definitely read this book. You, the adult, should read it, for your own education as a Muslim. Ideally you should own it. It should be your close companion. It is one of those books that, everytime you go back to it, you will find more benefits, alhamdulillah. And you will go back!

Useful links

There is hardly a masjid upon the Sunnah that hasn’t at some point offered a class in “The 3 Fundamental Principles”, alhamdulillah. Below you will find some series of classes you can listen to, the first being from the translator of the edition I used, Abu Talha (rahimahullah). 

The Explanation of the 3 Fundamental Principles by Abu Talha Dawood Burbank (rahimahullah)

The 3 Fundamental Principles (explanation of shaykh Uthaymeen – rahimahullah) taught by Moosaa Richardson 

The three Fundamental Principles – explanation by shaykh an-Najmee (rahimahullah) – taught by Abu Idrees

The 3 Fundamental Principles – taught by Mustafa George

The Three Fundamental Principles – taught by shaykh Hassan al-Banna (rahimahullah)

The Three Fundamental Principles – explanation of shaykh bin Baz (rahimahullah) – taught by Jameel Finch

The Three Fundamental Principles – explanation by various scholars of the Sunnah – taught by Uways at-Taweel

This is by no means an exhaustive list, in fact you might find a live class being run at your local masjid too, insha’Allah.

I ask Allah that He benefits my family and yours through this humble effort.


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Ramadan Doodle Challenge

Ramadan doodle challenge free activity for kids

Assalamu ‘alaykum and welcome.


I am getting the usual last minute rush of pre-Ramadan ideas. New concepts emerge thick and fast from the brain fog, between teaching to tell the time and washing a big pile of dishes.

As we know, the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), would encorage their children to fast, even if they had not yet reached puberty. If the children struggled, they would distracted them with a simple toy.

Al-Rubay’ bint Mu’awwidh (may Allah be pleased with her) said while describing how the Prophet (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) told them to fast ‘Āshūrā:

We used to make toys out of dyed wool for the children and keep them with us so if the children asked us for food we would give them the toys to distract them until they completed their fast.

(Sahih Muslim)

Ramadan doodle challanges free printable

Engage the brain to distract the stomach

DISCLAIMER: Islam instructs us to follow the middle way and the just and balanced approach in all things. Training our children to fast is no different: It must be tackled with wisdom, without being too lax or too strict. The age and ability of each child must be taken into consideration and their health and safety must always come first (as is the case for us adults too).

Having said so, many children can fast without any problems, Allahumma baarik, and they should be encouraged and supported in it.

A major part of the upbringing of our children is to train them to perform the legislated acts of worship, even before the age they become obligatory for them. It is useful to have something ready to divert the focus of our kids from food when they start to feel hungry (but can safely be encouraged to power through).

The Ramadan Doodle Challenge is only one of of the many possibilities, some others are:

  • A small gift every day (collectible cards, marbles, small toys, puzzles, magazines or books…). This is usually very well received but it can get expensive and can produce an amount of cheap toy clutter in the house.
  • Art and crafts materials: try a different activity every day (different techniques, media, styles, subjects…)
  • Line up 30 STEM activities and try one each day (find some tween friendly STEM and Lego activities here).
  • Compile a family scrapbook.
  • Prepare a list of board games and play a different one each day (list everything you have, look online for free printable ones, ask your friends to swap with you to have the whole month covered!)
  • Have your child take one photo each day – which should not include people or animals – that represents his or her day and then assemble the Ramadan picture album after Eid.
  • Use journaling prompts (This is a list of Ramadan Journaling Prompts that you can print for free).

Why doodles?

  • It is inexpensive.
  • You already have everything you need (paper and a pencil and you are good to go!)
  • It is suitable for any age, from toddler to adult.
  • It is fun, especially if you all attempt the daily doodle together.
  • It is relaxing and it will provide a welcome distraction from rumbling tummies!


The PDF includes a list as well as individual cards to cut out, in case you (like me) want to only reveal one each day and keep the rest a surprise.

Doodle challenge cards for Ramadan

Have a blessed Ramadan!

If your children (or yourslef!) take part in this challenge, please share your doodles on instagram and tag @salamhomeschooling !

I ask Allah to allow us to witness this Ramadan and gain His rewards and forgiveness. I also ask Him to guide us establish ourselves and our families upon what pleases Him.

Ramadan Journaling Prompts

Ramadan activities for children kids activity free islamic printable

Assalamo alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Are you looking for something not too demanding yet engaging to occupy your children in Ramadan?

Something that is new and for them to discover each day of the month?

That’s exactly what we like to do in our family. On the one hand, we feel the need to put aside the planned activities and the schedules; on the other, we don’t want bored children, languishing around and just waiting for iftaar time!

We need entertainment with benefit and some sense of purpose, in sha’ Allah.

As part of my efforts to bring to this blog any resource I created that might benefit your family and homeschool (and that were originally posted on Islamic Bedtimestories, my old blog), I revisited 30 Days of Prompts. I call them “journaling” prompts because they are quite varied in their nature and a lot of them are about personal expression.

What is it?

It is a list of Ramadan themed writing prompts. They are quite general and can be tackled as simply or in as much depth as desired, so they are suitable – or can be easily adapted – for children of all ages.

What materials will I need?

  • Your copy of the FREE Ramadan journaling prompts list;
  • Something to write on: any notebook or paper with a binder;
  • Something to write with;
  • Anything to decorate and illustrate: pencils, markers, stickers, scrapbooking paper and anything crafty you have at hand and your children enjoy working with.

Alhamdulillah, good times…

That Ramadan, my boys and I had the best time with these prompts and the box of craft paper and stickers (MY box of craft paper and stickers!) that I made available to them. Even my reluctant writer looked forward to the daily prompt! Alhamdulillah.

Meaningful engagement

A word of caution: Don’t force it. This goes for any activity you (the parent) are all excited about. If, after the first few days, the excitement fizzles out, don’t bring up the prompts unless the child asks to do it. Some prompts might fall flat with some kid and completely fire up another. If a child wants to keep working on yesterday’s prompt, that’s great, Allahumma Baarik. She shouldn’t be rushed because there are still x number of prompts “to go through”. Meaningful engagement is what we are looking for. If it is nowhere to be found on a given day, move on: don’t take it personally and don’t be disappointed, in sha’Allah.

DOWNLOAD your FREE Ramadan Journaling Prompts list here

May Allah allow us to witness the coming Ramadan and guide us to what will benefit us in the Akhirah.

Beneficial Ramadan activity for children, free kids printable for your Muslim homeschool

Understanding Hajj – FREE printable

Hajj activity workbook for Muslim kids Dhul Hijjah islamic studies FREE PDF printable

Assalamo alaykum and welcome.

It is the time of year when those who haven’t been blessed with the opportunity to perform this great act of worship, feel like brushing up on their knowledge of Hajj.

I chose the Understanding Hajj Series by Abu Muadh Taqweem Aslam. I find the teaching style of this student of knowledge particularly accessible, Allahumma baarik. Also, the whole series consists only of 6 lessons.

I felt I could manage that. Then I though my children would probably manage that too, if I broke it down a little bit first.

Alhamdulillah, the end result is this little booklet where I organized my notes from Abu Muadh’s lessons. I also added a few questions to consolidate the knowledge gained, insha’Allah.

FREE Hajj printable for islamic homeschool madrasah muslim kids family activities for Dhul Hijjah

What age is it for? I would say anyone who can read could use it. I introduced research questions to offer a challenge to the older children. Consider it a starting point: you can simplify it or ask your students to go to greater depth if you want.

I have a couple of disclaimers. First, this is not intended to be a comprehensive Hajj guide. Secondly, the maps in there are purely for representation, they are not super geographically accurate.

Download your FREE Understanding Hajj Booklet HERE.

I ask Allah to benefit my family and yours through this humble effort. Ameen.