Asslamu ‘alaykum and welcome.
This is going to be a very short post because tomorrow might be the first day of Ramadan 1442 and I still have a lot to do… so here it is:
The RAMADAN 2021 DOODLE CHALLENGE (free printable)
What is a doodle challenge?
A Doodle Challenge is a list of drawing prompts: One thing to draw every day of the month. You can use any technique you want and you don’t have to be artistically gifted to take part. It is aimed equally at children and adults.
Why a doodle challenge for Ramadan?
Because Ramadan days can be long and tiring, especially for children who are old enough to fast; and they can be intense for mothers. Both can use a super simple, fun activity like this to share a relaxing moment together and brush up their artistic skills (pun totally intended!!!!).
Screenshot the list of prompts or, alternatively you can download the free printable by clicking on the image below. If you participate and share your pictures on Instagram, please tag @salamhomeschooling !
May Allah allow us to reach Ramadan, strive sincerely for His sake during it and beyond, and receive His abundant forgiveness and mercy, ameen.