Assalamo alaykum and welcome.
Even after 8 years, there is not much that is absolutely set about our homeschool. One thing that I always had in my mind though, is that the children must be connected with the works of the great ulama’.
Often we cannot just hand them the books though; the contents need to be broken down to the child’s level in order to be grasped. I always like to try and come up with some sort of activity related to the book, so that its teaching can sink in, insha’Allah.
This is the very reason why I started making resources (and blogging). Alhamdulillah.

The book “Sittings in the month of Ramadan (a gift to the people of Iman in Lessons for the month of Ramadan)” by shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan (hafeedhahullah) is a real treasure for the English speaking Muslim.
After I recently pick it back up, it catapulted me into the Ramadan mood in such way I just knew I had to share it with my children.
What is in the workbook
One of my aim for this homeschool year – insha’Allah – is to teach my boys some note taking skills.
As a student myself, I use this skill pretty much everyday. We all know it is invaluable, whatever the career path that our children will follow, because the true Muslim never stops learning.
This workbook/journal hybrid comes in 2 version: one aimed at the upper primary/lower secondary school age (roughly KS2+), and one designed for younger children (KS1).
NOTE: I am using the labels KS1 and KS2 very loosely here. I could just call them “easier” and “harder”. I preferred not to attach an age to the two levels because children vary so much!
Download the FREE KS1 Sittings in the month of Ramadan Workbook and Journal HERE.
Download the FREE KS2 Sittings in the month of Ramadan Workbook and Journal HERE.
Have a look inside and decide which one is suitable for your child.

Both versions of the workbook will encourage the child to keep track of his efforts in worship this Ramadan, as well as practice note taking from that day’s lesson from shaykh Fawzan’s book.

The KS1 WORKBOOK includes:
- Record the date and weather
- Keep track of your daily prayers (and taraweeh)
- Keep track of how much of each fast you completed
- Note down (or appropriately represent) important words from the lesson
- A short hadeeth, ayah or quotation from the lesson to copy
- Star rating for the day
Download the FREE KS1 Sittings in the month of Ramadan HERE.

The KS2+ WORKBOOK includes:
- Record the date and weather
- Keep track of your daily prayers (and taraweeh)
- Keep track of your completed fasts
- Simple, specific note taking activity (relative to the day’s lesson)
- Today’s wisdom: pace to copy their favourite quote from the lesson
- A journaling prompt (or reflection question, depending on what is applicable) related to the topic discussed that day
- Star rating for the day
Download the FREE KS2 Sittings in the month of Ramadan HERE.
How does it work
Shaykh Fawzan’s “Sittings in the Month of Ramadan” will be the jewel of our Ramadan basket, insha’Allah.
Each daily lesson is between 3-5 pages in length, insha’Allah I will read one out loud each day (or share the reading with the boys, depending on what they feel like) and then simply help them complete the daily page of the workbook.
It is quite likely that the topics explained in the lessons will raise some question in my young audience and insha’Allah result in very beneficial big juicy conversations!
May Allah let us and you benefit from this humble effort.
Are you all ready for this coming Ramadan? What will you and your children be reading?
Share with us in the comments below!